
The NSJ is focused broadly on national security. It invites academics and practitioners across the expanded national security working space to contribute their research, knowledge and experience. It is available to subscribers across the government, NGO, business and academic sectors and on request.

Aims of the Journal

New Zealand’s national security environment is hyper-dynamic, involving constant changes in geo-political positioning, population movement, trade variations, information security, the impact of climate, food safety, biosecurity, and cyber security.

The journal aims to:

  • to provide a platform for the dissemination of high quality academic and professional research on national security topics relating to New Zealand and its regional environment.
  • to foster a closer interaction between academic and professional communities
  • to encourage various agencies and community groups to engage with each other in areas of mutual interest.


The NSJ has two sections:

  • a refereed section for academic contributions, where research is focused on topics of national security interest; and
  • an open section for practitioners writing in their field of expertise, on topics of national security significance.

Journal Management

The NSJ is managed by the Centre for Defence and Security Studies, Massey University and is run by a Managing Editorial Board assisted by an Advisory Panel of academics and professionals.

Disclaimer – Views expressed in contributions to the National Security Journal are those of the authors, they do not necessarily reflect the views of the Centre for Defence and Security Studies.  Any errors of fact are the responsibility of the authors.

ISSN (print) 2703-1926     ISSN (online) 2703-1934